To ensure conformity and full understanding of the Rules by every system member, we provide a list of terms that are used further in the Rules and services of the CamsAds CPA network.
CPA - Cost Per Action — Web advertisement model that involves payment only for certain user actions, that the Advertiser is interested in (installation of a mobile app, purchase etc).
Administration — CamsAds staff members. Administration may conduct any operations with the Partners’ accounts that are allowed by there Rules.
Publisher — a private person or company registered in CamsAds that attracts users to the Advisers’ projects in order for users to conduct certain actions (purchase of, installing an application etc) with the use of their own traffic sources.
Publisher’s account — or «Account» – all services and functions of the Advertisement Network, accessible to the publisher after registration procedure in the Network is completed.
Checking account — Publisher’s cheking account that is used to receive payment for the actions accomplished by users.
Advertiser - a legal person or company that uses the mobile CPA-network to place the advertisement offers.
An advertisement offer – application, shop etc, that involves reward for accomplishment of targeted actions.
Promo assets — text, graphic images, audio and video recording as well as any other asset type, provided by CamsAds interface for user in the Publisher’s sources as the advertisement for mobile offers.
Traffic source — Publisher’s resource that is the origin for the traffic that is driven to CamsAds offers.
Traffic — users of mobile applications that can be attracted from a certain source in a certain period of time.
Quality traffic — a flow of real internet users who conduct targeted action at the Advertiser’s offer.
Low quality traffic — flow of internet users, obtained as a result of:
User visit — user action that involves clicking on the link in the promo assets;
Action — user accomplished target action that was set as a part of an offer by an Advertiser.
Mock action — an action conducted by an automated mechanism as well as accomplished by a user because of persuasion or deception by a third party.
These and any action alike are not processed by the system or paid for by Advertisers. The Partner who is faulty of such actions is blocked without a possibility to withdraw the funds.
Lead — accomplishment of an action on the Advertiser’s website: installation of an application, purchase, registration, filing of a web form, viewing a video or other media, as well as other actions that don’t require the user to spend money.
Hold – temporary reservation of the reward for leads attracted by the Publisher for a certain time period.
2.1. These rules are the only document that regulates the actions of partners in the CamsAds network.
2.2. Accepting these rules is mandatory and necessary to accomplish registration and participate as a partner in the CamsAds network.
2.3. These rules are enforced in their latest version for all partners regardless of the version that was the latest at the time of their registration.
3.1. Every company as well as legal grown adult (aged over 18) who is not limited in his (her) liability can register as a partner in the CamsAds network.
3.2. Partner’s registration is accomplished by filing a web registration form.
3.3. During the registration process the user is required to fill every field with authentic information.
3.4. The contact e-mail is subject to mandatory validation.
3.5. CamsAds administration can reject an application for a valid reason
3.6. Duplicate registration as a partner is prohibited. If the administration finds two or more accounts created by, belonging to or being used by the same person, these accounts can be banned without a right to withdraw funds.
3.7. CamsAds administration can shut down a Publisher’s account at any given moment of time with a valid reason. The following rules apply to such cases:
4.1. The traffic should meet the requirements of specific Offers if these conditions are clearly set. The requierements for the offers are set in each offer in the Advertisers’ list.
4.2. Promo assets suggested by the CamsAds interface can be used to attract users to the Advertisers’ offers. Every other asset should be approved by the Administration
4.3. The CamsAds network does not accept the mobile sites and services as traffic sources if they contatin:
4.4. The Publisher bears full personal responsibility for the marketing part of the Partnership platform and every allocated asset.
5.1. Attracting traffic via targeted adverts (services such as Google Adwords) with the use of promo assets containing brand or Advertiser’s name is prohibited if not stated otherwise in the conditions of the particular offer.
5.2. All partners are prohibited to generate traffic using:
5.3. CamsAds or any Advertiser can consider traffic from any sources to be low quality traffic at own discretion, and declare actions conducted by users attracted through these sources to be mock action.
5.4. If CamsAds discovers sources that generate traffic in the breach of rule no. 5.2, the Administration may terminate these sources’ participation in the system and ban publisher without payments. Under these conditions the funds transferred from the Advertiser to the Publisher for users’ activities are reimbursed at the cost of party that breached the rules.
6.1. All rewards are allocated to the Publisher’s account by default.
6.2. The default hold term is 45 days. It can be altered for a particular publisher depending on the quality and volume of the traffic.
6.3. After the hold term expires, the funds allocated to the Publisher’s account are automatically transferred to the available balance.
6.4. The transfers are conducted by the Publisher’s request in 1-3 operational days after the request for available funds was filed after the quality of actions in the prior period was checked.
6.4. After the check is conducted:
the reward form high quality actions that are allocated to the Publisher’s account are transferred to the Publisher’s available balance.
This Terms of Service was last modified on October 18, 2018.